Quick start

Here are the steps to boot your Roboy 3.0.

1. Connect power to 24V and 5V as labeled on the robot (if possible limit the current as shown below). The power supply needs to be capable of delivering a minimum of 8A for the 5V and 5A for the 24V rail. Note that 5A for 24V should be enough to drive one body part at a time but won’t be enough if all parts are active (please use around 16A as shown below in this case).

2. Turn on the projector by pressing and holding the ON button on the beamer in the head for 3 seconds

3. Connect a PC or laptop to the robot via an Ethernet port located on the back of pelvis

4. Check if your PC has received an IP address in robot’s subnet - it should look like 192.168.1.XXX. Run ifconfig on Linux or ipconfig on Windows.

5. By now, the robot should have booted. You should see the LED ring in the chest turn blue

6. Power the motors:

a. turn on the M2 motors using the button box by flipping the buttons (HIP, HEAD, LEFT, RIGHT) one by one

b. turn on the M3 motors (for wrists) by flipping 5V button

c. turn on hands with 12V button - hands will close and open on each boot

7. Open Roboy 3.0 control dashboard. From the PC you’ve connected navigate to (Firefox or Chrome should work well).

8. Lean the robot towards the front a bit, so that he’s sitting upright and click TENSE SPINE button

9. Initialize each body part (head, shoulders and wrists) by following the same procedure for each:

a. hold a body part in place at its initialization position

b. (keep holding the body part) press INIT XXX (i.e. INIT HEAD) button in the dashboard

c. (keep holding the body part) wait for 5 seconds

d. check of all tendons are tight and no tendons are slack; in case some tendons are still loose - repeat steps b-d until all tendons of this body part are tight

Initialization positions of each body part should correspond to those in the RVIZ view (see below) - head looking straight with shoulders, wrists and elbows in the natural resting positions

10. Now in the Status section of the dashboard you should see that all body parts are initialized (i.e. head true). You can test each joint my moving a corresponding slider in the Joint control section of the dashboard.

11. If there’s still no face on the robot, in the Emotion section click (RE)START FACE button and wait ~1 minute for it to load, after the face shows up click emotion buttons to test.

12. You can switch LED ring modes with buttons in the Matrix leds section