Motor Control
Motor type overview
There are three types of motors in roboy3:
maxon BLDC motors myoBricks
parallax 360 servo M3
linear actuators openBionics hand
All of these motors are controlled with a differential RS485 bus and a custom protocol using uart. The de10 nano dev board implements this communication using the myo_shield_v0.6. The communication with all motors is happening completely transparent to the ROS end-user.
ROS1 message types
roboy_plexus is the main node, that provides topics and services for controlling all 58 motors in roboy3. The available topics for motor control are:
The MotorState topic is published at 100Hz and provides the following values:
global_id the global motor id
setpoint the current setpoint of each motor
encoder0_pos the position of encoder 0
encoder1_pos the position of encoder 1
displacement the spring displacement
current the current drawn by the unit
Some of these values are not used for the 2. and 3. type of motors:
2.: encoder1_pos is not used. current is not used because the M3 unit has not current sensor.
3.: none of the values are used, because there is no feedback coming from the hand, due to bus speed considerations which are caused by the weak Atmel processor of the openBionics hand.
The MotorInfo topic is published at 10Hz and provides the following values:
global_id the global motor id
setpoint the current setpoint of each motor
control_mode the control_mode the motor is currently in
Kp controller P-gain
Ki controller I-gain
Kd controller D-gain
deadband controller deadband
IntegralLimit controller I-term limit
PWMLimit controller pwm threshold
pwm the current pwm value of the controller
current_limit current threshold
communication_quality achieved communication frequency in Hz
error_code developer information about communication process
neopixelColor current neopixel color setpoint
Again, some of the values are not used for 2. and 3. type of motors:
2.: currentLimit and neopixelColor are not used, because the M3 units neither have a current sensor nor a neoPixel
3. except for the setpoint, none of the values are used due to bus speed considerations which are caused by the weak Atmel processor of the openBionics hand. there is currently only position control implemented for the hand, so the control_mode is also not used.
ROS1 control_modes
There are four control modes:
ENCODER0_POS → 0 : position control using encoder0
ENCODER1_POS → 0 : position control using encoder1
DISPLACEMENT → 0 : position control using the spring displacement
DIRECT_PWM → 0 : controlling the pwm value directly
roboy_plexus provides two services for changing between the control modes:
The ControlMode service requires the following values in the request:
control_mode the control mode to change to
set_points a list of new setpoints for each motor, the setpoint will be applied directly after changing to the new control mode
motor_id a list of global motor ids of which to change the control mode
The MotorConfig service provides a more detailed control over the controller parameters to be used:
update_frequency the new update frequency to be used to talk to each motor on one bus
motor a list of global motor ids of which to change the control mode
control_mode the control mode to change to
PWMLimit controller pwm threshold
IntegralLimit controller I-term limit
Kp controller P-gain
Ki controller I-gain
Kd controller D-gain
deadband controller deadband
setpoint a list of new setpoints for each motor, the setpoint will be applied directly after changing to the new control mode