Joint Control and Inverse Kinematics
Follow the instruction on Control page to get and build the required software components. Start roboy plexus from Motor Control and joint state estimators from DRAFT Robot State Monitoring to work with hardware.
Naming: joints, links, body parts
Config files provide an overview of the names used in the robot. For Roboy 3.0 upper body, see here.
Initialization procedure
Before sending any joint or IK commands to the robot, all tendons must be tight and the joints should be at their position 0. The initialization routine can be performed for each body part individually (shoulder_left, shoulder_right, head). A body part will not react to any commands if it is not initialized. To initialize shoulder_left, for instance:
Launch kindyn as described above in the quick start
Call the /init_pose service for shoulder left (or use INIT buttons in the node-red dashboard, as described in Quick start )
rosservice call /roboy/brain/init_pose "strings: - 'shoulder_left'"
Hold the shoulder in its 0 position (see photo) and wait for the service to finish execution (5 seconds by default) - the tendons should start moving and get shorter.
If the tendons are still loose after the first service call, repeat steps 2 and 3.
In case the tendons are very long, increase the init timeout duration (seconds) by
rosparam set /timeout 10
If all tendons are tight, the initialization of shoulder_left is done.
If the communication with a motor drops, i.e. there’s an issue detected with a motor, then the body part associated with that motor becomes uninitialized automatically and will not respond to incoming joint targets.
Visualization in RVIZ
Assuming the roboy3 ROS workspace is build and kindyn is launched, RVIZ can display the current and target robot state, as well as tendon information and interactive markers as IK targets.
For the first time setup:
In the top menu
Panel → Add New Panel → CardsflowRviz → OK
In the Displays window:
Fixed frame → world
Add → Marker
Adjust the visibility of meshes, collisions, targets and tendons in the CardsflowRviz panel.
To test, send a joint target through the Node-Red dashboard and see the updated robot state in RVIZ.
robot.launch explained
Each robot has its own executable inside the kindyn repository. For example, the upper body of Roboy 3.0 is managed by kindyn/src/robots/upper_body.cpp
script. The current functionality includes the following:
calculate inverse kinematics
calculate tendon length for a given joint position
send commands to the muscle units (M3 and M2)
visualize robot state (current and target)
visualize tendons
receive joint states from external publishers
Arguments overview
Name | Function | Type | Default |
robot_name |
| “msj_platform” |
robot_model |
| pinky |
simulated | if |
urdf_file_name | name of the URDF file located in robots/upper_body | string | model.urdf |
external_robot_state | if if |
ROS parameters overview
Name | Function | Default |
cardsflow_xml | the path to cardsflow.xml file that contains tendon routing description (see example here) | “$(arg model_name)/cardsflow.xml" |
pwm | PWM value for init_pose service | 5.0 |
shoulder_left/motor_ids | a list of motor ids that belong to a given body part | defined in config/motor_config.yaml (see example here) |
Kp_dl, Ki_dl | P and I gains used to improve tracking of joint position targets (see implementation here) | 0, 0; recommended: Kp_dl=[1.5..2.0], Ki_dl=[0.1..1.0] |
timeout | seconds to wait during the initialization of a body part | 5 |
Quick start
# start shoulders, elbows, wrists and head control
roslaunch kindyn robot.launch robot_name:=upper_body simulated:=false robot_model:=brain
# visualize the robot
rviz &
# initialize shoulder_left
rosservice call /roboy/brain/init_pose "strings:
- 'shoulder_left'"
# wait for all tendons on the left shoulder and elbow to be tight
# publish a joint position target command
rostopic pub /roboy/brain/control/joint_targets sensor_msgs/JointState "header:
seq: 0
stamp: {secs: 0, nsecs: 0}
frame_id: ''
name: ['shoulder_left_axis1']
position: [-0.2]
velocity: [0]
effort: [0]"
# send IK target and execute it
rosservice call /roboy/brain/control/execute_ik "endeffector: 'hand_left'
type: 0
target_frame: 'torso'
x: 0.0
y: 0.0
z: 0.0
x: 0.0
y: 0.0
z: 0.0
w: 0.0"
Head control
There’s a simple way to control Roboy’s head with a joystick, including:
3DOF head movement
facial expressions control
mouth control
eyes control
Buttons and their mappings can be changed in the script.