TL;DR Control essentials

Connect to the robot

  • Connect a LAN cable to roboy’s pelvis and a device of your choice (a PC or a switch)

  • Jetson Nano is running a DHCP server on the 192.168.1.XXX subnet

  • Jetson Nano has a static IP

  • To connect to the ROS master in each terminal run (or add to ~/.bashrc):

    • export ROS_MASTER_URI=''

    • export ROS_IP='192.168.1.XXX' - replace XXX with your IP

  • To connect to the Jetson Nano board:

    • ssh roboy@

    • pw - shared on request

    • you will be directly connected to the terminal with all nodes

    • to switch between panes and scroll - read about tmux

tmux 101

  • Ctrl+A + ↑ - switch to the pane above (other arrows for other directions)

  • Ctrl+A + PageUp - scroll up in the current pane (PageDown - down)

  • Ctrl+A + D - detach from tmux - and go to default shell (the processes will keep running)

  • tmux attach - connect to a running tmux session

  • Ctrl+A + “ - split current pane vertically

  • Ctrl+A + % - split current pane horizontally

Control the robot

You can use the Dashboard on

Alternatively, use ROS topics: